Focus speaking : A1-A2

You have completed A1-A2 level but you need more speaking practice?

Then this focus speaking course is an excellent way to improve your speaking skills. It is all about practice, practice and practice your speaking.

Only after a lot of repetion  will you be able to speak without thinking or worrying too much. That is the goal of the course.

The course:

10 classes/10 topicks/ 10 results

  1. What are we going to do.
  2. At school.
  3. Gas, water, elektricitiy.
  4. International relationships.
  5. Family.
  6. Fixing problems.
  7. Looking for work.
  8. To the library.
  9. Sports & Leasure.
  10. Bying and selling.

You will prepare the classes at home by doing your homework in LINK.

But in the classes it is 100% about automating your speaking with a focus on pronunciation, articulation, fluency, word order and sentence structure.

*** If you have never studied before please go here to see our regular A1-A2 course.

After this class:

  • You will be able to speak more clearly, correcty and convincingly about all of the above topics
  • You will be an independend speaker in every day life situations and can solve problems with your speaking
  • Your confidence and Dutch skills are really developing now and you are ready to go deeper into learning
  • Your knowledge and skills are getting must broader and more refined
  • You are ready for the A2-B1 level!


Number of classes: 10

Duration: 1,5 hour per class. Total 15 hours.

Price: 199 euro. (plus 37 euro for the material). The material can be used twice: for levels A0-A1 and A1-A2

Maximum four students per class.

You will receive a certificate when you have actively participated in least 80% of the classes.

This is a Live Online classroom course. You will receive the link to join the online class five minutes before the class will start.


Course deadlines:

– Five days before the start of your course. Please contact us if you like to join the course after the deadline.

*** Course schedule for study programmes see below;

Focus Speaking Program

A0-A2 Courses

*(Virtual classroom+Teacher every class)

YEAR: 2024


Study material can use for

2 levels

Order material: A0-A2 click 


3 - 24 Jun

13:15 - 14:45

15 hrs./10 classes

€ 199,-

not available

*(Virtual classroom+Teacher)


1 - 27 Jul

13:15 - 14:45

15 hrs./10 classes

€ 199,-

not available

*(Virtual classroom+Teacher)


26 Aug - 16 Sep

13:15 - 14:45

15 hrs./10 classes

€ 199,-

*(Virtual classroom+Teacher)


23 Sep - 14 Oct

13:15 - 14:45

15 hrs./10 classes

€ 199,-

*(Virtual classroom+Teacher)


21 Oct - 11 Nov

13:15 - 14:45

15 hrs./10 classes

€ 199,-

*(Virtual classroom+Teacher)


18 Nov - 9 Dec

13:15 - 14:45

15 hrs./10 classes

€ 199,-

*(Virtual classroom+Teacher)